Saturday, February 25, 2017

September 3, 1940: Annie Lamon Sternberg Dies

On September 3, 1940, Annie Lamon Sternberg, Jerome's wife, died at age 37. I have not found any records of what she died from. Unfortunately, her son Jerome Jr. was only 16 years old and his sister, Ida, was 18; it must have been difficult for all of them. There was quite an age difference between Jerome and Annie. He must have believed she would outlive him, but instead he lived another 32 years, eventually remarrying in his 60s.

Below is a death notice from the September 28, 1940 edition of The Bulletin of the Catholic Laymen's Association of Georgia, a publication of the Diocese of Savannah.

Their proofreading leaves something to be desired. Their daughter's name was Ida, not Eda, and according to the Georgia Death Index, Annie died on September 3rd, not August 3rd. And something seems to be left out in the list of brothers. I think that N. Tucker refers to her sister Nettie, so it's nice to know whom she married.

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